Nor it is an objection to say that we must understand a prayer if it is to have its true effect. That simply is not the case. Who understands the wisdom of a flower? Yet we can take pleasure in it (Rudolph Steiner)
I’m a vague conjunctured personality more made up of opinions and academic prepossessions than of human traits and red corpuscles
I’m a vague conjunctured personality more made up of opinions and academic prepossessions than of human traits and red corpuscles (Woodrow Wilson)
Faith can never be lost.It can only be misplaced
Faith can never be lost.It can only be misplaced (Anthony T. Hincks)
The abstinence-only programs and reclaimed-virginity movement make men and women ashamed of being sexual creatures before or outside of marriage
The abstinence-only programs and reclaimed-virginity movement make men and women ashamed of being sexual creatures before or outside of marriage (Darrel Ray, Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality)
When we were in the design studio I always was pretending like I was in a closet asking my friend before I step out into the world what do I look like? And everybody wants that honest friend before they go and go to dinner or go to an event
When we were in the design studio I always was pretending like I was in a closet asking my friend before I step out into the world what do I look like? And everybody wants that honest friend before they go and go to dinner or go to an event (Nicole Richie)
I loved the feeling of finally falling in love to someone who would love me back
I loved the feeling of finally falling in love to someone who would love me back. (Kristine Cuevas, Not a Melodious Harmony)
As the future ripens in the past,so the past rots in the future –a terrible festival of dead leaves
As the future ripens in the past,so the past rots in the future –a terrible festival of dead leaves. (Anna Akhmatova, Poems of Akhmatova)
The Bible is intensely practical, and one of the reasons God gave it to us is so we’ll be better prepared to deal with life’s problems and temptations. All too often we respond to these in ways that don’t reflect Christ . . .when we do that, Satan is the winner and the cause of Christ suffers
The Bible is intensely practical, and one of the reasons God gave it to us is so we’ll be better prepared to deal with life’s problems and temptations. All too often we respond to these in ways that don’t reflect Christ . . .when we do that, Satan is the winner and the cause of Christ suffers. (Billy Graham, Billy Graham in Quotes)
Caveman used to be a hunter-gatherer…Modern man hunts for jobs(if he wants to be an employee) and for heads (if he is an employer), and later gathers paper in the form of currency notes, contracts, policies or shares
Caveman used to be a hunter-gatherer…Modern man hunts for jobs(if he wants to be an employee) and for heads (if he is an employer), and later gathers paper in the form of currency notes, contracts, policies or shares. (Ankala V Subbarao)
Inside of a ring or out ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong
Inside of a ring or out ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong. (Muhammad Ali)